Getting Started

Welcome to the Facilitator’s Network and Directory for the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method (FND-LSP) website.

There are 3 tasks that you’ll want to perform to ensure maximum visibility on this directory.

  1. Complete your profile
    1. First navigate to your profile page
    2. Use the  icon to edit your information
    3. Save your information and look at your profile page
    4. Search yourself in the directory to see what your mini profile looks like

  2. Write an Article for the LSP Directory News Feed!
    1. On your profile page, at the bottom, click Create Post
    2. Enter a Title
    3. Enter Tags, these are words that may help other Facilitators find your article later
    4. Select a category from the drop-down list
    5. Write your article
    6. Click Submit Post and you’re done!

      Your post will be reviewed by the LSP Directory staff and published shortly thereafter!

  3. Search for other facilitators!
    1. From the Directory page, use the search fields to find other Facilitators of the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method!

This page is accessible at all times from the bottom menu of each page.